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BASE launches 8 Week ‘Build Your Base’ Program To Kick Off 2023
BANGKOK, THAILAND – BASE, Bangkok’s well-established HIIT and strength gym, invites everyone to join the new 8 week ‘Build Your Base’ program to help people hit their 2023 goals.
The program, running from 14th January until 10th March, offers a supportive community of members and coaches, help with nutrition and world-class training. There are options for both group class and personal training with a kickstart seminar offering guidance on diet and goal setting.
BASE uses the latest in fitness technology to help their 8 week program participants get results, with their MyZone heart rate belt and app tracking effort, heart rate and calories burned, and their proprietary BASELINE technology tracking improvements in strength and cardio.
Recognizing that diet is often the hardest part of achieving success, BASE have teamed up with Paleo Robbie to offer meal and grocery delivery to its members to help them plan their nutrition for the 8 weeks.
All BASE 8 Week Build Your Base programs and plans can be used at any of their branches and with special promotional rates for early sign up.
More info
Instagram, Facebook: basebangkok
English: Jack Thomas, Founder and CEO – 083-838-5810
Thai: Janista Sarika, Marketing Executive – 082-487-4737
For media information, please contact:
Total Quality PR (TQPR) Thailand Co. Ltd.,
Maetavarin Maneekulpan, Tel: 02-260-5820 ext. 115,
Nina Fordham, Tel. 02-260-5820 ext. 119,