Thailand and Italy celebrate recent World Pizza Day together at ALMA School of Italian Culinary Arts in Bangkok
Conserve Italia, partner of “The European Art of Taste & Veg Masterpiece” project, shows why authentic tomato ‘passata’ puree makes pizza so popular worldwide
BANGKOK, Thailand, 30 January, 2023 – Thailand and Italy celebrated the recent World Pizza Day together at ALMA School of Italian Culinary Arts in Bangkok hosted by the Italian ambassador to Bangkok, Paolo Dionisi.
The event highlighted the exceptional quality of Italian produce, both fresh and processed, and was an excellent opportunity to raise awareness amongst the Thai public about the EU and CSO Italy funded project ‘THE EUROPEAN ART OF TASTE: ITALIAN FRUIT & VEG MASTERPIECES’ through Conserve Italia.
World Pizza Day brought together Thai government ministers, representatives from the Italian Trade Agency (ICE), and members of the Associazione Verace della Pizza Napoletana (AVPN) and Unioncamere, who all enjoyed the interactive pizza demonstration. The event date of 17 January also marks the anniversary of Sant’Antonio Abate, patron saint of pizza makers and bakers. Conserve Italia together with popular Italian pizzerias from around the capital also took part in this event.
It provided an ideal platform to promote the excellence of Italian pizza, while also highlighting authentic tomato passata, the iconic Italian tomato purée that makes pizza so popular in Thailand and worldwide.
Conserve Italia, a leading European company in the fruit and vegetable preserves sector, participated in World Pizza Day in Bangkok to introduce high quality Italian fruit and vegetables to a new generation of Thais. It will be followed by promotions both in the food service and online sectors in addition to an ICE promo initiative on the Shopee e-commerce platform.
World Pizza Day represented an ideal opportunity to promote ‘THE EUROPEAN ART OF TASTE: ITALIAN FRUIT & VEG MASTERPIECES’ project funded by the European Union and CSO Italy which promotes European fruit and vegetables in Thailand (and in China, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong), with a particular focus on fruit and vegetables produced in Italy, the land of beauty and sunshine. The three-year campaign carried out in collaboration with important Italian companies including Apofruit, Cico-Mazzoni, Conserve Italia, Lagnasco, Oranfrizer, Origine and RK Growers.
For media enquiries, please contact: Maetavarin Maneekulpan, TQPR Thailand, 02 260 5820,