New Year 2023, New You: Stand Up by Michael Jones
Helps You Live Life Free of Limitations
Interactive digital book shows how to transform your posture at home or office in 2023
and why body language is essential to success and looking young
BANGKOK, Thailand, 7 February, 2023 – Michael Jones, one of Bangkok’s leading movement and mobility specialists, wants to help everyone transform their posture at home or at work during 2023. His highly engaging and informative digital book Stand Up aims to do just that.
Michael believes that when you walk with the right posture, and correct alignment, you exude a different youthful power and confidence. He shows everyone how they can reduce existing pain profiles while also enjoying a more active lifestyle just by improving their posture.
“It’s no secret that body language is essential to success. Good posture can also translate into a more successful career.” Michael, said. “By standing tall you communicate confidence and competence, this helps you feel more self-assured.’
Stand Up is an interactive digital book that can be downloaded to any device – laptop, smartphone or tablet. Content includes video demonstrations and other visual examples that makes putting clear advice into action easy. It can help or reduce the need for expensive physical therapy, personal trainers or gimmicky equipment in a flashy gym. The ‘Stand-Up Method’ can transform posture in the comfort of one’s own home, and certainly can be applied to almost any work environment.
It can especially help office workers who may suffer from dreaded ‘Office Syndrome’, with an estimated 80% suffering from some type of lower back pain or sciatica. Bad posture in the office highlights how their actions are the root of office syndrome, and how ‘Postural Distortion Patterns’ can lead to pain plus dysfunction, which impacts productivity at work.
In addition to repetitive stress or other work related injuries, the book can also help professional athletes, fitness fanatics or weekend warriors, who will all benefit from the remarkable posture transformation that Stand Up offers.
Michael Jones (MS, CErg) is a certified Ergonomist who has over 15 years’ experience helping deskbound individuals and workers enhance their individual well-being and improve their performance. He has a Master’s Degree in Health Sciences and is well regarded among Thai fitness and physiotherapy professionals.
Stand Up is the perfect fresh start for a brand new year, helping individuals become a better, younger feeling version of themselves in 2023. It means being more comfortable wherever you are currently working, be it back in the office or remotely from home. It will also help you feel more confident, attractive and communicate positivity which in turn can lead to greater success in life.
“Good posture makes you appear more inviting and warmer, whereas bad posture may indicate that you are uninterested or closed off,” Michael, added.
To find out more how you can transform your posture, reduce pain and live life free of limitations, click here to download a copy of Stand-Up (for only 300 THB) today!
For more information, please contact:
TQPR Thailand
Tom Van Blarcom Naterutai Sriphan (Nate)
T: +66 2260 5820 T: +66 2260 5820 # 120